Grace and Peace be unto you in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, God has birthed this ministry out of all the things I have had to suffered, it has been worth it all. I have had to cry many days holding on to all I had left inside of me.Under The Shadow Of His Wings Woman's Ministry is designed for the woman who has felt like all life has thrown her way is hurt, rejection,heart break,the feeling like I am not ever going to get out of this cycle I am in, being disappointed over and over again, church hurt,not fitting in. The pain of sexual abuse,heart break in marriage, low self esteem,feeling worthless,wondering why Lord did you allow me to be born, and am I ever gonna get it right with God.Well I got good news for you, you are not a failure, your not a disappointment, you are and have been created for greatness, their is a purpose for you and tho the pain in which you have endured should have killed you, look at you, your still here to give God praise and honor, your here to make the devil out of a liar, your life is not over it's just beginning.This ministry was created to give you the tools to fight back with and to empower you to move from that place inside of you that has given up on ever getting it right with God and your self and others. There is a new day and that day is today, look up Mighty Woman of God you can make it, I am here to lend you my hand to pull you out and to speak life to those dead places and to show you through the power of God the exit.I can truly say I know what is like to be broken and bruised and battered and forsaken , cast down but through all the tears I cried God has given me the out and Praise God! I can now say, I see why I was created to tell you, together in sister hood we can make it,for it was in my darkest hours where God covered me under the shadow of His wings and covered me from the darts of the enemy, and now I can see clearly now that the rain has come, for it was then that God removed all of the obstacles that was in my way, my emotions,my thoughts of my self, the suicide thoughts, the opinions of other people from my mind and the things that use to shut me down was now being used to fuel me to move and shake things off and with everything inside of me I can say, I am here and I am not going any where but up in power and strength, and freedom from the bondages of my own mind. Woman of God you can make it hold to God and watch God move you from all the chains that hold you and give you the keys to unlock the prisons that was never designed to hold you,and not even you, yourself can keep this fresh wind of God that is going to blow your way from causing you to be completely untangled and released from all that has held you, and has lied to you over the years, and made you believe the lies of the devil,you are now going to see you through the eyes of Christ and I must say my your beautifully and wonderfully made in Him. Be Free Great and Mighty Anointed Woman Of God! I want to Give honor to My Father and Leader Apostle Corey Lipscomb Founder and Overseer of House Of Restoration, Bondage Breakers International Ministries, powerful prophet to the nation, and a father to fatherless, and friend to the friendless, a Leader to Pastors and prophets and prophetess.I thank God for my Daddy, I love you my daddy!
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